Center for Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo

Center for Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases,

Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo












Figure 1. Professor Eloisa Arbustini (Head of the Center)

The Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Disease (CICD) in San Matteo Hospital in Pavia, chaired by Professor Eloisa Arbustini, is the European leading centre in rare cardiovascular conditions. The department gained an international reputation in several research areas including cardiology, cardiovascular disease and transplantation of heart and lung diseases, and cardiovascular genetics both clinical and molecular genetics. The centre uses state-of-the-art laboratory of molecular diagnostics including nucleic acid sequences, quantitative PCR and microarrays, and Pathology laboratory with light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. The computer software’s enable to perform advanced molecular modeling. The CICD takes part European research projects such as Cariplo and BRE, INSERM, Telethon. Professor Arbustini and her scientific team are particularly famous for research in rare, inherited forms of cardiomyopathies and rare multi-organ conditions such as Marfan syndrome or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. She is particularly well-known for her studies on genetic background and for the utilization of histologic studies of those conditions. Her studies were published in top scientific journals such as Human Genetics, JACC, European Heart Journal, American Journal of Cardiology and many others.

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