( I – 2A.0; IV – 1D.2d ) Patient with artificial aortic valve with aneurysm of ascending aorta Natalia Dłużniewska MD; Lidia Tomkiewicz – Pająk MD, PhD; Aleksandra Lenart MD, Monika Smaś – Suska MD, Prof. Maria Olszowska MD, PhD; Prof. Piotr Podolec MD, PhD
BRIEF COMMENTS EXPERT: Assoc. Prof. Jacek Kołcz, MD, PhD, pediatric cardiac surgeon Affiliation: Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland COMMENT Ascending aorta’s diameter has shown widening tendency. It is difficult to determine if the implanted AV is still suitable for the patient. I recommend consideration of AVR procedure (for example implantation of biological valve and plasty of the ascending aorta). Bioprothesis might improve the patient’s quality of life. Aortic homograft implantation would make possible …
Posted in 1. Abnormalities of the position and connection of the heart and vessels, 2. Connective tissue disorders causing aneurysmal disease, 2. Left heart valves, A. Aneurysmal disease of the aorta, Case presentations, D. Valves, I. Rare diseases of systemic circulation, IV. Rare congenital cardiovascular diseases, Others
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