Lithuanian University of Health Science in Kaunas is the biggest medical center in Lithuania. The University employes 600 highly-qualified research staff, including 74 professors. Annually, almost 2000 medical students attend classes. The University cooperates with numerous European and non-European centers. Additionally, with the World Health Organization performs joint research on the epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Kaunas Medical University Hospital is the most modern Lithuanian hospital that offers high-quality standard service as well as all sorts of sophisticated medical procedures. The Hospital employes 1200 physicians and 2500 nurses and has 35 distinct medical wards. Annually, approximately 84 000 in-inpatients are hospitalized and impressive number of 800 000 out-patients are seen in the clinics. The University and Hospital participate in numerous international programs, such as “Professional Skill Development for Young Gastroenterologists in Hospitals of the European Union”, “Influence of the Leonardo da Vinci Program on Free Movement in Europe: Example of Lithuanian Specialist Trainee Doctors”, “Professional Skill Development for Young Cardiovascular Disease Doctors in Accordance with the EU Standards”, “Acquisition of Experimental and Clinical Oncological Experience – Internships of Young Lithuanian Oncologists in EU Member States”, “Evidence Based Technology Interventions for Health System Development (EVITECH) 2000″, “Improvement of early diagnostics of oncological diseases and ensuring of valid treatment in Lithuania”, EU LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAM, ERASMUS programms, GUARD (Potential adverse effect of GSM cellular phone on hearing), PINCHE (Policy Interpretation Network on Children’s Health and Environment), and EMFnEAR (Exposure at UMTS electromagnetic fields: study on potential adverse effects on hearing).