Orphan Diseases Project Workshop – ESC Paris, 30 August 2011 Clinical Cases

Roland Hetzer, Piotr Musiałek

Eloisa Arbustini, John G.F. Cleland, Jarosłasw Drożdż,
Anna Fijałkowska, Zbigniew Gąsior, Christa Gohlke-Bąrwolf, Tomasz Grodzicki, Piotr Hoffman, Petr Johan Holm,
Pavel Jansa, Tomasz Kukulski, Irene Lang, Grzegorz Opolski,
Jolien W. Ross-Hesselink, Gerald Simonneau, Andris Skride, Lidia Tomkiewicz-Pająk, Olga Trojnarska


Left ventricular non-compaction with diaphragmatic hernia and heart displacement to the right side of the thorax (functional dextroversion)

Presenter: dr Paweł Rubiś
Experts: prof. John Cleland, prof. Zbigniew Gąsior


Dilated cardiomyopathy with atriovantricular conduction defects in patient with Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy in the course of laminopathy

Presenter: dr Michał Marchel
Experts: prof. Eloisa Arbustini, prof. Jarosław Drożdż


Patient with pulmonary hypertension, atrial septal defect and pulmonary thromboembolism

Presenter: dr Mateusz Podolec
Experts: prof. Irene Lang, prof. Roland Hetzer


A 69 year old woman with atrial septal defect, coronary heart disease and pulmonary arterial hypertension

Presenter: dr Aldis Rozenbergs
Experts: prof. Anna Fijałkowska, dr Andris Skride, dr Lidia Tomkiewicz-Pajak


Annuloaortic abscess with the extension to anterior leaflet of mitral valve and left ventricular myocardium

Presenter: prof. Egle Ereminiene
Experts: prof. Piotr Hofman, prof. Tomasz Kukulski

case presentations and videos are provided for private use only
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