EXPERT: Assoc. Prof. Jacek Kołcz, MD, PhD, pediatric cardiac surgeon
Affiliation: Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland
Thrombogenic complication seems more probable than primary vessel pathology. From a surgical point of view reconstruction of the artery is impossible. Conservative treatment appears to be the best option.
EXPERT: Prof. Piotr Podolec MD, PhD, cardiologist
Affiliation: Department of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases, John Paul II Hospital, Krakow, Poland
Specific treatment of pulmonary hypertension requires prior RHC procedure with evaluation of pulmonary arteries’ response to vasoactive agents (for example sildenafil). Angioplasty of RPA should be considered.
EXPERT: Assoc. Prof. Jacek Kołcz, MD, PhD, pediatric cardiac surgeon
Affiliation: Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland
Percutaneous angioplasty with stent implantation is an option. Check-up RHC should follow. Pulmonary hypertension could have been caused by thromboembolia.
EXPERT: Jacek Pająk, MD, PhD, pediatric cardiac surgeon
Affiliation: Silesian Center for Heart Diseases, Zabrze, Poland
Treatment may be very difficult –pulmonary hypertension may be due to peripheral vessels being affected by pathological process.
EXPERT: Prof. Piotr Podolec MD, PhD, cardiologist
Affiliation: Department of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases, John Paul II Hospital, Krakow, Poland
There is a possibility of persistent venous pulmonary hypertension despite MVR procedure. The concomitant pulmonary stenosis makes PH diagnosis a challenge.
1. Suggested management:
a) percutaneous right pulmonary artery angioplasty;
b) in case of persisting pulmonary hypertension specific treatment should be considered
2. During future RHC procedures it is recommended to test pulmonary arteries’ reactivity with other vasoactive agents (e.g sildenafil).
“Development of the European Network in Orphan Cardiovascular Diseases”
“Rozszerzenie Europejskiej Sieci Współpracy ds. Sierocych Chorób Kardiologicznych”