(II-2A.2) 68 y/o female with increasing dysponoe: corrected mitral valve disease with right pulmonary artery stenosis Prof. E. Ereminienė, Assoc. Prof. G. Jaruševičius assist. B. Gumauskienė, Res. A. Adukauskaitė, Res. A. Andreikėnaitė
BRIEF COMMENTS EXPERT: Assoc. Prof. Jacek Kołcz, MD, PhD, pediatric cardiac surgeon Affiliation: Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland COMMENT Thrombogenic complication seems more probable than primary vessel pathology. From a surgical point of view reconstruction of the artery is impossible. Conservative treatment appears to be the best option. EXPERT: Prof. Piotr Podolec MD, PhD, cardiologist Affiliation: Department of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases, John Paul II Hospital, Krakow, Poland COMMENT Specific treatment of pulmonary …
(IV-1C.3/II-2A.1) 41-year old patient with arterial pulmonary hypertension and unilateral pulmonary artery absence Blaszczak Piotr MD PhD, Grzywna Ryszard MD PhD, Gorczyca Daria MD, Siudak Łukasz MD
EXPERTISE 1 “Development of the European Network in Orphan Cardiovascular Diseases” “Rozszerzenie Europejskiej Sieci Współpracy ds. Sierocych Chorób Kardiologicznych”