case presentations
- (IV-1C.3a, IV-2A.O) 38-year old female patient with a congenitally corrected transposition…
- (IV-1C.3a, V-2B.O ) 25 – year old patient with a transposition…
- (VII-IV.3.B) 24-letnia pacientka chora w 27 tygodniu ciąży z anomalią Ebsteina…
- (VI-4D.1) 62 year old woman with recurrent pleural and pericardial effusion…
- (II-1.A.4d) 30-year-old patient with arterial pulmonary hypertension and ascending aortic aneurysm…
RCD Classification
( I – 2A.0; IV – 1D.2d ) Patient with artificial aortic valve with aneurysm of ascending aorta Natalia Dłużniewska MD; Lidia Tomkiewicz – Pająk MD, PhD; Aleksandra Lenart MD, Monika Smaś – Suska MD, Prof. Maria Olszowska MD, PhD; Prof. Piotr Podolec MD, PhD
Posted in 1. Abnormalities of the position and connection of the heart and vessels, 2. Connective tissue disorders causing aneurysmal disease, 2. Left heart valves, A. Aneurysmal disease of the aorta, Case presentations, D. Valves, I. Rare diseases of systemic circulation, IV. Rare congenital cardiovascular diseases, Others
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(IV-1C.3/II-2A.1) 41-year old patient with arterial pulmonary hypertension and unilateral pulmonary artery absence Blaszczak Piotr MD PhD, Grzywna Ryszard MD PhD, Gorczyca Daria MD, Siudak Łukasz MD
Posted in 1. Abnormalities of the position and connection of the heart and vessels, 1. Atresia of the pulmonary artery, 2. Inborn anomalies of the pulmonary vessels, 3. Great arteries, A. Anomalous morphology, C. Veins and arteries, Case presentations, II. Rare diseases of pulmonary circulation, IV. Rare congenital cardiovascular diseases
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